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Senin, 22 November 2010

Books Scanning - The Way to Preserve Them for the Future

Scanning a book is the process of converting content of a physical book
into electronic texts and images. A book can also be converted into an e-book
through scanning process, book scanning enables the reader to read the book on
the screen. Scanned book can be accessed or retrieved easily whenever required.
Scanning the book also helps to preserve it securely free from mold, vermin, and
insects for any number of years. These insects can easily eat up the protein and
starch component present in the paper and can spoil your precious book
completely or leave it damaged and unfit for reading.

Most common file
formats used in the scanning book are DjVu, Portable Document Format (PDF) and
Tagged Image File (TIFF). Raw images and text can be converted using Optical
Character Recognition (OCR) into ANSII text or any other format of choice. It
reduces the file size completely and enables the user to edit any documents

Scanning a book is easy only if you are well aware of the
techniques. If you do not have enough knowledge in scanning then book scanning
could turn to be a nightmare. Book scanning is completely different from the
document scanning. If you want to scan a book effectively then you have to
understand thoroughly the major differences between ordinary scanning and book
scanning. The eight differences includes book thickness, curved pages, see
through image, text boxes and captions, pictures and graphics, spell checking,
page number and headers, title, sub titles and keywords.

You can leave
the document on scanner and press the scan button and save the scanned page as a
file to your computer system directly. But this is completelly different story
with Non-destructive way of book scanning. Whenever you are scanning you are
taking an electronic picture of the page. This can be done by implementing a
dedicated Book

By scanning you can turn your decade old books into
electronic document and preserve it for any number of years. Scanned books also
can be turned into e-books and you can read while on the move or share with your
friend easily. You can also safe guard your old books from accidental fire or

To find out more about Book
and how we can help to scan your books, visit us at

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Senin, 15 November 2010

What Is Functional Programming

Functional programming should not be confused with imperative (or procedural) programming. Neither is it like object oriented programming. It is something different. Not radically so, since the concepts that we will be exploring are familiar programming concepts, just expressed in a different way. The philosophy behind how these concepts are applied to solving problems is also a little different.

Functional programming is all about expressions. In fact another way to describe FP might be to term it expression oriented programming since in FP everything reduces to an expression. You should recall that an expression is a collection of operations and variables that results in a single value. Thus x == 5 is a boolean expression. 5 + (7-Y) is an arithmetic expression. And "Hello world".uppercase() is a string expression. The latter is also a function call (Or more strictly a method call) on the string object "Hello world" and, as we shall see, functions are very important in FP (You might already have guessed that from the name!).

Functions are used as objects in FP. That is they are often passed around within a program in much the same way as other variables. We have seen examples of this in our GUI programs where we assigned the name of a function to the command attribute of a Button control. We treated the event handler function as an object and assigned a reference to the function to the Button. This idea of passing functions around our program is key to FP.

Functional Programs also tend to be heavily List oriented.

Finally FP tries to focus on the what rather than the how of problem solving. That is, a functional program should describe the problem to be solved rather than focus on the mechanism of solution. There are several programming languages which aim to work in this way, one of the most widely used is Haskell and the Haskell web site ( has numerous papers describing the philosophy of FP as well as the Haskell language. (My personal opinion is that this goal, however laudable, is rather overstated by FP's advocates.)

A pure functional program is structured by defining an expression which captures the intent of the program. Each term of the expression is in turn a statement of a characteristic of the problem (maybe encapsulated as another expression) and the evaluation of each of these terms eventually yields a solution.

Well, that's the theory. Does it work? Yes, sometimes it works very well. For some types of problem it is a natural and powerful technique. Unfortunately for many other problems it requires a fairly abstract thinking style, heavily influenced by mathematical principles. The resultant code is often far from readable to the layman programmer. The resultant code is also very often much shorter than the equivalent imperative code and more reliable.

It is these latter qualities of conciseness and reliability that have drawn many conventional imperative or object oriented programmers to investigate FP. Even if not embraced whole heartedly there are several powerful tools that can be used by all.

What IS ASP .Net?

Beginners Introduction to ASP.NET

ASP.NET is the new offering for Web developers from the Microsoft .It is not simply the next-generation of ASP; in fact, it is a completely re-engineered and enhanced technology that offers much, much more than traditional ASP and can increase productivity significantly.

Because it has evolved from ASP, ASP.NET looks very similar to its predecessor�but only at first sight. Some items look very familiar, and they remind us of ASP. But concepts like Web Forms, Web Services, or Server Controls gives ASP.NET the power to build real Web applications.
Looking Back : Active Server Pages (ASP)

Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting technology. ASP is a technology that Microsoft created to ease the development of interactive Web applications. With ASP you can use client-side scripts as well as server-side scripts. Maybe you want to validate user input or access a database. ASP provides solutions for transaction processing and managing session state. Asp is one of the most successful language used in web development.
Problems with Traditional ASP

There are many problems with ASP if you think of needs for Today's powerful Web applications.

1. Interpreted and Loosely-Typed Code
ASP scripting code is usually written in languages such as JScript or VBScript. The script-execution engine that Active Server Pages relies on interprets code line by line, every time the page is called. In addition, although variables are supported, they are all loosely typed as variants and bound to particular types only when the code is run. Both these factors impede performance, and late binding of types makes it harder to catch errors when you are writing code.

2. Mixes layout (HTML) and logic (scripting code)
ASP files frequently combine script code with HTML. This results in ASP scripts that are lengthy, difficult to read, and switch frequently between code and HTML. The interspersion of HTML with ASP code is particularly problematic for larger web applications, where content must be kept separate from business logic.

3. Limited Development and Debugging Tools
Microsoft Visual InterDev, Macromedia Visual UltraDev, and other tools have attempted to increase the productivity of ASP programmers by providing graphical development environments. However, these tools never achieved the ease of use or the level of acceptance achieved by Microsoft Windows application development tools, such as Visual Basic or Microsoft Access. ASP developers still rely heavily or exclusively on Notepad.

Debugging is an unavoidable part of any software development process, and the debugging tools for ASP have been minimal. Most ASP programmers resort to embedding temporary Response. Write statements in their code to trace the progress of its execution.

4. No real state management
Session state is only maintained if the client browser supports cookies. Session state information can only be held by using the ASP Session object. And you have to implement additional code if you, for example, want to identify a user.

5. Update files only when server is down
If your Web application makes use of components, copying new files to your application should only be done when the Web server is stopped. Otherwise it is like pulling the rug from under your application's feet, because the components may be in use (and locked) and must be registered.

6. Obscure Configuration Settings
The configuration information for an ASP web application (such as session state and server timeouts) is stored in the IIS metabase. Because the metabase is stored in a proprietary format, it can only be modified on the server machine with utilities such as the Internet Service Manager. With limited support for programmatically manipulating or extracting these settings, it is often an arduous task to port an ASP application from one server to another.

ASP.NET (Active Server Pages) is server side scripting technology that enables scripts to be executed on the web server (IIS).The IIS is component of Windows Server like windows 2000 and XP Professional. The extension for Classic ASP is ".asp" but for ASP.Net the extension is ".ASPX". An ASP.NET Page can contain HTML, XML and scripts.
In simple web page transaction when a browser request a web page, the server in return the HTML file where as in ASP.NET case, the browser request for the ASP.NET page, this request goes to the web server, the web server will pass the this to the ASP.NET engine after the engine will parse the script in the ASP.NET page, convert it to the HTML page and send back to the client's browser

The latest is ASP.NET 2.0 that support new features and controls like
1). Different language support
2). Event Driven
3). Programmable Controls
4). User authentication and other controls
5). Easily deployable

The ASP.NET contains a large number of HTML controls; these controls can be easily managed by the scripts. As earlier mentioned it is event driven, means different events like Load, Click etc are handled by codes.
Another important thing is the complied codes, means at first request; the pages will be complied on the server and keep a cache in the memory. It will help in increased performance.
The configuration in ASP.NET can be done through plain text files. Above article will make you familiar with basic things of ASP.NET